[Linux] Setting environment

- set cscope editor
export CSCOPE_EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim

* 부팅 순서 변경
- grub2-editenv list ; 
- grub2-set-default 2 ; 

* Start Dropbox on Starup
Follow these steps to make Dropbox start up each time.

  1. Click on the Ubuntu "Dash" icon
  2. Type Startup Applications in the Dash search area
  3. Click on the "Startup Applications" ico
  4. Click "Add" button
  5. For "Name:", type Dropbox
  6. For "Command:", type /home/{your-username}/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
  7. For "Comment:", this can be left blank
  8. Click "Add" button
  9. Click "Close" button
  10. Restart your computer

* Some commands for network and security
 - ifdown enp2s0
 - ifup enp2s0

 - yum install fail2ban
 - systemctl enable fail2ban
 - service fail2ban status
 - service fail2ban start
 - service fail2ban status


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